The Trustees and staff of Forest Foundation stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.  Today, as in the long history of the United States, the lives of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC) have been harmfully impacted by structural racism, lack of education and opportunity, health disparities, and direct violence.  We pledge to continue and more fully support those who are targets of this inequity and violence. 

In our 30 years of grant making, we have directly supported non-profits who work to uplift the neediest and most diverse communities. Since 2007, through our Intern Program and Ventures grants, we have sponsored a diverse generation of future leaders who will have a lasting presence in the non-profit, public health, education, and business sectors.


You make a difference in the lives of others through a summer-long  fellowship including a non-profit internship. You learn about the larger non-profit sector- and your role in it-  along the way. You intern at an effective non-profit agency for 10 weeks, learning about the industry and mission from inside. You join a cohesive community of young people who, like you, want to change the world. You gather with this community throughout the summer for days of networking, workshops, reflections, and professional development. You form a team with other interns and make real grants to actual Greater Boston non-profits. You build on your summer experiences with enhanced work training, independent projects, and industry connections that will lead to meaningful resume entries and possible future employment opportunities.

And you will get compensated with $7,500 to do it!


In the last three years, Forest Foundation has placed 175 interns from 19 states, 4 countries, and 73 different colleges with Greater Boston non-profits.


Sophomores and Juniors attending colleges in the United States or United States citizens studying at institutions abroad

Limited positions for first-years and graduating seniors

International students with proper work visas enrolled in US colleges may apply

Significant, sustained record of community service experience

Demonstrated leadership skills

Passion for community issues, public work, and the non-profit world

Availability to attend all in-person and virtual meetings over course of the program

Capacity to reside in or within commuting distance from their non-profit for the duration of the fellowship


10-week internship at a non-profit in the Greater Boston area

$7,500 (less state and federal taxes) compensation for the summer

Internship Placement based on non-profit organization’s mission and your skill set and passions

Extensive professional and leadership development opportunities, with:

*Workshops (6 in-person) featuring real time programming to foster professional development and hard skills, and an opportunity to collaborate with other students and professionals in the industry

*Practical workshops to develop competence in diversity, equity and inclusion, grant writing, leadership, social enterprise, civic engagement, philanthropy,  and non-profit finance

*A real-world, small-group grant writing project, with Forest Foundation scaffolding and support, to research, organize and create grant proposals on behalf of actual Greater Boston nonprofits. Each proposal is pitched to our board and secures $4,000-$8,000 for a non-profit partner!



Application available on our website on December 1, 2024

Application and Nomination deadline is February 15, 2025

Rolling acceptance through March 2025

Commitment deadline to Forest Foundation up to 2 weeks after acceptance

Availability for an in-person or Zoom interview with both Forest Foundation and host non-profit may be required

Additional writing samples from prospective interns may be required by the non-profit host agency

Host Agency placement matching process occurs March through May




We support 65 paid summer internships at exceptional non-profit organizations in Greater Boston


Accepted interns are paired with non-profits whose missions align with the intern’s passion, skill sets or academic path


We provide leadership development and mentorship through a series of professional development days and special projects throughout the summer

Forest Foundation is committed to

fostering the next generation of public service leaders.

Do you know a fellow college student
who has started their own non-profit?

Click here to tell us about it!
